Tag Archives: Hitman 5

‘Hitman: Absolution’ Unmasked as Series’ Fifth Installment

You may remember the hype generated around a mysterious ARG that eventually led to the acknowledgment of a fifth Hitman title.

Today, IO Interactive has made it officially official. The game will be called Hitman: Absolution, and will feature a story that gets more personal with our Agent 47. Betrayed by those he once trusted, and hunted by police, Agent 47 will find himself in the middle of a dark conspiracy.

The company promises to feature familiar game play elements we’ve come to expect of the franchise while also introducing some completely new elements. The game will feature IO’s new ‘Glacier 2’ technology, which they have built from the ground up.

I would stop very short of calling myself a ‘Hitman’ devotee, but I have played all but the latest in the series and enjoyed them. I’ll be interested to see what comes of this game.

Do Forum Clues Point to a Hitman 5?

A thread in the Hitman community forums has been exploring the possibility that a series of enigmatic clues may point to the development of a fifth-installment in the Hitman franchise. I would say more, but I don’t really want to be strangled with piano wire today.

If you have more time than me, you can read through the forum thread in question here. It’s a game forum on ‘teh interwebz’, so be prepared for that (in other words, language and ignorance warning on some of the posts.)

I’ve always enjoyed the Hitman games, but at the same time, I think there was only one that I played through to the end, and even then, I only got by using cheat codes. The stealth-assassination is fun for a while, but I always got bored about half-way through.

Strike that. They’ve all been stellar games that are unequaled among their peers. (Piano wire.)

(Source: PC Gamer)