Tag Archives: games

First Impressions: Brink (360)

Brink Vault and Slide Shot
Future Tech: Non-stick low-friction pants. Classy.

First impressions are usually easy to write. You just put a new game in, play for a few hours, and then write what you feel. With Brink, however, it was a little trickier to get a bead on things.

After my first day with the title, Brink still has me a bit conflicted. Developer Splash Damage managed to pull of some amazing things with this game.They also managed to ship the game with some fairly major flaws. I can walk away from one play session and feel completely satisfied. Then the next time I head into the game I walk away frustrated and annoyed.  Click here to continue reading . . .

‘Hitman: Absolution’ Unmasked as Series’ Fifth Installment

You may remember the hype generated around a mysterious ARG that eventually led to the acknowledgment of a fifth Hitman title.

Today, IO Interactive has made it officially official. The game will be called Hitman: Absolution, and will feature a story that gets more personal with our Agent 47. Betrayed by those he once trusted, and hunted by police, Agent 47 will find himself in the middle of a dark conspiracy.

The company promises to feature familiar game play elements we’ve come to expect of the franchise while also introducing some completely new elements. The game will feature IO’s new ‘Glacier 2’ technology, which they have built from the ground up.

I would stop very short of calling myself a ‘Hitman’ devotee, but I have played all but the latest in the series and enjoyed them. I’ll be interested to see what comes of this game.

‘The Cursed Crusade’ Trailer Doubles Up on the Action

A video showing off The Cursed Crusade‘s split-screen co-op has been released. Check it out below. Click here to view the video . . .

On the Eve of Brink – Official HD Launch Trailer

Brink hits store shelves tomorrow, and on the eve of launch, Bethesda brings us the official launch trailer. The trailer touches on the game’s story and the struggle erupting inside the Ark.

Brink is a first-person shooter that offers a fast-paced SMART movement system and deep character customization that spans both the single and multi-player modes. As previously mentioned, the game is set to release in North America tomorrow (May 10th), and will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. For more information, please visit the official website.

RAGE ‘The Shrouded’ Video is Absolutely Gorgeous

Bethesda has released a new video from the id-developed RAGE. ‘The Shrouded’ shows off some NPC interaction, driving, and first-person shootouts all taken from actual game play footage.

It’s not just that the video is visually stunning — which it very much is — but that everything looks so well designed and full of character. I love the spider-drone!

Look for RAGE on PC, Xbox, and PS3 when it hits shelves on 9/13/2011.

Brink’s Final Get SMART Video Talks Battlefield

Bethesda has released the last in the get SMART series of videos for the upcoming shooter Brink. This video discusses the battlefield. Specifically, the overview shows how command centers come into play, the use of turrets and mines, and the role of the ‘operative’. Check it out, and look for the game in stores on Tuesday (May 10th): Click here to view the video . . .

Rock of Ages Rolls Through the Ages in Latest Video

A new teaser video has been released for Ace Team’s upcoming rolling-rock tower defense hybrid, Rock of Ages. The video shows off the games unique play and beautiful style. But why take my word for it when you can check it out for yourself?

Still can’t tell what the game’s about? Then maybe this description from Atlus will answer your questions:

Two castles stand opposed, bridged by an uneven, narrow pathway. One is yours, and you’re quite fond of it. See how the parapets catch the sunlight ever so stylishly? The other is your enemy’s; they’re a jerk, and their crappy crenellations are driving down your property values. Also, their castle sucks, justification enough to try crush it using an enormous rolling stone. Unfortunately, they’ll have a chance to plan and build up some security, doing everything they can to derail your razing rock. Get through their defenses and you’re one step closer to crushing their unsightly tower (see also: their hopes and dreams). But don’t take your turn for granite. Once your turn is over, your opponent’s begins…

The game should be available this summer, but details regarding platform and distribution have yet to be revealed.

Red Faction: Armageddon Demo Hands-On

Red Faction Hand's On

I haven’t played a ‘Red Faction’ game since the original was released. It’s safe to say that the series has made some changes over the years. I’ve been curious to see where the series was headed, and specifically, to see what would be offered when the next installment hits later this month.

This week, the single-player demo was made available on Xbox Live, so I had to jump at the chance to check it out. After downloading the demo and making my way through a few set-up screens to adjust brightness and controls, I found myself in-game. Or rather, in a cut scene setting up the game.

I was throughly unimpressed with the scene. Like many demos, you aren’t starting at the beginning. That’s fine — in fact, I prefer to not get saddled with the tutorial level as a demo. The problem was that the scene felt too far out of context, and thus lacked any emotional impact. You’re being chased by both ticked-off people and monstrous aliens. But it never felt like I should care about either. Click here to continue reading . . .

Mass Effect 3 Delayed Until First-Quarter 2012

Bioware has announced that Mass Effect 3, will now be expecting a first-quarter 2012 release. The game had initially been announced with a holiday-season 2011 target date. It seems more and more companies are willing to forgo the holiday rush in order to put in some extra time with their big-budget titles. I won’t complain too much; it gives me a reason to continue to endure those post-holiday months and the crappy Ohio weather that comes along with.

Bioware also stated that the reason the game is being delayed is to give them more time to work on the as-yet unnamed Wii-2 port, which will be revealed at E3. This is a complete and utter lie on my part, but hey, it sounds interesting.

Bioware may also be waiting until the projected date that the PSN will come back online.

Another possible reason for the delay is that the team needs more time to un-generic-ify game locations after the debacle that was Dragon Age 2? Sorry, that’s still a sore spot with me even if I still enjoyed the game overall.

Okay, so no real reason has been given, but we’ll assume the game will turn out better for the extra time being put behind it. And “The game has been delayed until x date” isn’t really fun to read. You’re welcome for the extra bit of brain candy.

(Source: Giant Bomb)

Get Classy with Brink’s Latest Get SMART Trailer

Another in the line of Get SMART videos has been released, and this one previews the classes and class mechanics that will be available when ‘Brink’ hits shelves next week. Check it out:

‘Brink’ is a first person shooter that blends character progression and customization across both it’s single and multi-player modes. The game also boasts the ‘SMART’ button, which allows quick traversal across the obstacles scattered amid the battlefield, lending itself to fast-paced, frantic action. Look for it on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on May 10th.