Tag Archives: Trailer

‘The Cursed Crusade’ Trailer Doubles Up on the Action

A video showing off The Cursed Crusade‘s split-screen co-op has been released. Check it out below. Click here to view the video . . .

RAGE ‘The Shrouded’ Video is Absolutely Gorgeous

Bethesda has released a new video from the id-developed RAGE. ‘The Shrouded’ shows off some NPC interaction, driving, and first-person shootouts all taken from actual game play footage.

It’s not just that the video is visually stunning — which it very much is — but that everything looks so well designed and full of character. I love the spider-drone!

Look for RAGE on PC, Xbox, and PS3 when it hits shelves on 9/13/2011.

Get Classy with Brink’s Latest Get SMART Trailer

Another in the line of Get SMART videos has been released, and this one previews the classes and class mechanics that will be available when ‘Brink’ hits shelves next week. Check it out:

‘Brink’ is a first person shooter that blends character progression and customization across both it’s single and multi-player modes. The game also boasts the ‘SMART’ button, which allows quick traversal across the obstacles scattered amid the battlefield, lending itself to fast-paced, frantic action. Look for it on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on May 10th.

Heads Up! Brink’s Latest SMART Trailer talks HUD

The latest installment in Brink‘s “Get SMART” series of videos discusses the game’s heads-up display (HUD). Honestly? I thought it was unnecessary as the HUD is self-explanatory, but it did provide another opportunity to watch the game in action. And besides, a HUD should be self-explanatory and easy to read. That’s the mark of a good HUD. Click here to view the video . . .

Combat Overview Trailer Shows off Witcher 2’s New Fighting System

Today we get a look at The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings‘ updated fighting system.

The first Witcher game is one of my favorites, but the combat system was admittedly a little  . . . different? CD Projekt knew they wanted to update it for their next offering, and it looks like the changes will be a nice improvement. But why take my word for it when you can see for yourself?

Latest Duke Nukem Trailer Rated “E” For “Everyone’s Offended”

Okay, so this particular nudity-censored version of the latest Duke trailer isn’t any worse than you’d expect from a Duke Nukem title. And to be frank; I’ve already pre-ordered the game, was supposed to have picked it up by now, and don’t really need any more promotional material at this time.

Still, it’s worth checking out. And there’s still some virtual side-boob for the young’uns who are extra interested in that sort of thing. Check it out:

LA Noire: Rising through the Ranks (Trailer)

Rockstar has released another trailer for the much anticipated (at least, by me) “Detective Action/Drama” game, LA Noire. This latest video shows off the case-desk system used as the player progresses through the game, from patrolman on up the ranks.

I don't think Batman can help you here, Cole.

This also gives us a glimpse at some of your partners who you’ll be working with in the various departments.

Check the trailer out at Rockstar’s webpage here.

EA Sports’ NCAA 12 Announcement Trailer Smells like School Spirit

Sorry Kurt, we still miss you. Anyway, EA Sports has released the ‘Announcement Trailer’ for this year’s college football title, NCAA 12. The video focuses on school tradition; a large reason why college football is such a great sport. The NCAA Football franchise has always been my pick for the series that best focuses on the fan and theatrical aspect of sport, and it doesn’t look like this year will be an exception to that. Check it out for yourself:

SXSW ‘Rock smith’ Promo Vid Hits You tube

Ubisoft has released a promo video from their showing of Rocksmith at this year’s SXSW event. There’s not too much to say about this: but for those that missed the game’s initial announcement, Rocksmith is a music game akin to the likes of Guitar Hero or Rock band, with the notable difference of using a real guitar. Any real guitar — well, any guitar with a pickup and jack anyway. Check out the video below:

‘Uncharted 3’ Multiplayer Details, Trailer

The Playstation.blog has posted an update on ‘Uncharted 3’s multiplayer component. Let me say, it’s nice to hear a company speak competently about muliplayer.

In addition to the already-announced team death match mode, two more competitive modes have been announced. The first is a unique team versus team versus team deathmatch, in which three teams of two will face off. There will also be a ‘free for all’ match that is self explanatory.  It also sounds like more modes will be announced at a later date.

Two multiplayer levels were shown; the first is the Château; a fairly straight-forward offering that appears to be based off the Château demonstrated in earlier single-player videos (you know, the ones with all the fire.)

The Airstrip was also shown, which offers a two-part experience. The first half of the match has players jumping from truck to truck to plane as a convoy chases a large plane down the runway. As the plane takes off, the action will shift to a hanger that is more conventional, and features attack jets as they make strafing runs.

Per fan request, a ‘late join’ feature has been added so that players can join matches already in progress. This should help reduce wait times to get into new games. Smart move — I hate when I have to wait for a round to end before I can play.

Lastly, and perhaps most exciting, is that Naughty Dog has confirmed that some modes will be available to play online while playing split screen — on multiple PSN accounts. While they note that some modes — which would provide an unfair advantage — will not have this option, I love that they’re including this (and I don’t even own a PS3!) I can’t tell you how much I hate going to a friend’s house and having to play one-on-one Modern Warfare, for instance, because we can’t get online using a single system. Great move, guys!

A trailer was released that shows off some of the multiplayer in action. Check it out on the official blog post (here). It looks frantic, and very fun. I’ve been planning on getting a PS3 for some time now. I think I’ll have to make sure that I do that before this game hits.

Or sooner — as the trailer also mentions the multiplayer beta will hit on June 28th.