Tag Archives: Splash Damage

First Impressions: Brink (360)

Brink Vault and Slide Shot
Future Tech: Non-stick low-friction pants. Classy.

First impressions are usually easy to write. You just put a new game in, play for a few hours, and then write what you feel. With Brink, however, it was a little trickier to get a bead on things.

After my first day with the title, Brink still has me a bit conflicted. Developer Splash Damage managed to pull of some amazing things with this game.They also managed to ship the game with some fairly major flaws. I can walk away from one play session and feel completely satisfied. Then the next time I head into the game I walk away frustrated and annoyed.  Click here to continue reading . . .

On the Eve of Brink – Official HD Launch Trailer

Brink hits store shelves tomorrow, and on the eve of launch, Bethesda brings us the official launch trailer. The trailer touches on the game’s story and the struggle erupting inside the Ark.

Brink is a first-person shooter that offers a fast-paced SMART movement system and deep character customization that spans both the single and multi-player modes. As previously mentioned, the game is set to release in North America tomorrow (May 10th), and will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. For more information, please visit the official website.

Get Classy with Brink’s Latest Get SMART Trailer

Another in the line of Get SMART videos has been released, and this one previews the classes and class mechanics that will be available when ‘Brink’ hits shelves next week. Check it out:

‘Brink’ is a first person shooter that blends character progression and customization across both it’s single and multi-player modes. The game also boasts the ‘SMART’ button, which allows quick traversal across the obstacles scattered amid the battlefield, lending itself to fast-paced, frantic action. Look for it on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on May 10th.

Bethesda Dates Two Titles on Same Day, Hopes Wife Won’t Find Out

It’s a good ‘ol fashioned date’stravaganza, as Behtesda offers up release dates for two more of their titles. Brink is slated to hit stores on May 17th, and Hunted will arrive on June 1st. (Source: Gameinformer)

Brink is currently under development by the Splash Damage team, creators of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (which makes me wonder why this new title isn’t called ‘Brink: Territory of Enemies’ or something.) Brink is a first person shooter whose features include extensive character customization, dynamic objectives and goals, and the all new SMART button control scheme. Check out the game (here).

InXile’s Hunted is a co-op action game that takes players through enemy infested dungeons. More information can be found at their website (here).

nJoystic Daily News (01.20.2011)

New Free-to-play MMO, Salem, Announced – Paradox Interactive announces development of a new free-to-play MMO under the working title of ‘Salem’, which boasts features such as player-constructed buildings and modifiable terrain, as well as permanent player death. For more information and to view video of Designer/Creative Director Bjorn Johannessen, see PC Game’s article (Here.)

Konami Takes Over HudsonA majority shareholder since 2005, Konami has decided to make the move to become full owners of developer Hudson. Konami intends to use the developer to further it’s social and mobile games. (Source: GamesIndustry.biz)

Splash Damage’s Chris Sweetman on Brink’s Audio Design, Choir of Guns TrailerThe Bethesda blogs have posted an update from Splash Damage’s audio director Chris Sweetman, offering a tidbit of the full blog post from Brink’s website (post can be found here) as well as a video titled ‘A Choir of Guns’. Find the video here.

Price and Release Date for Stacking Announced – Double Fine’s unique puzzle game, Stacking, will cost just under $15 when it hits PSN on February 8th, and XBLA the following day (That’s the 9th, for the counting-impaired.) I’ve been excited about this game since I stumbled across Gameinformer’s preview a few months ago, so I consider this all very good news, which is why this whole blurb is in headline-green. (Source: Giant Bomb)

Possible LA Noir Release Date? According to gameinformer, Amazon and Gamefly have posted an April 5th release date for Rockstar’s next big title, LA Noir. Rockstar has not confirmed this date, however, and retail dates are always subject to change. I’ll stay optimistic, as April 5th is semi-near my birthday, so that could make a good present. Just say’n. (Source: Gameinformer)

APOX Now Available via SteamAPOX, the post-apocalyptic real-time strategy game from Blue Giant Interactive is now available on steam, for 33% off no less (currently $9.99) Check it out on steam here.

Modern Warfare 3 in November? Keeping with the release-date rumors theme, online reports (namely, the LA Times’ article found here) say that Modern Warfare 3 is well into development, and Infinity Ward is aiming for a November launch. Also of note; Sledgehammer Games has reportedly been contracted to help develop the single-player content, while Raven Software is working on the multiplayer element.

The last part of the rumor states that MW3 will depict a brutal civil war scenario, in which America is divided East versus West. Of course, I just made this last rumor up, but I could be right . . . right?

John Romero Working on the Wrong Kind of Doom; Social GamesGameinformer brings us word that id co-founders John Romero and Tom Hall are forming a new company, Loot Drop, and are now working on a social game to be published by RockYou. Lucky us. (Source: Gameinformer.)